Información del Blog de Michel Foucault
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Sandra Lee Bartky, at the Vanguard of Feminist Philosophy, Dies at 81
By Sam Roberts, New York Times 23 October 2016
The sweep, originality, and plenitude of Jerrold Seigel's work have transformed our field. His prolific and creative scholarship encompasses the history of ideas, the history of cultural forms, and the history of intellectuals, areas typically examined separately as coherent and discrete sections of intellectual history. I have been reading Seigel for many years now, assigned his texts in my classes, and watched students come alive as they encounter his Marx, his Bohemia, his Baudelaire, his Foucault, his Simmel. My own research and writing have been deeply influenced by key ideas generated in Seigel's body of work, testing and contesting, for example, his project of historicizing subjectivity and identity in modern Europe. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2017
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Foucault News
Activity relating to the work of French thinker Michel Foucault (1926-1984)
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Sandra Lee Bartky (1935-2016)by Clare O'Farrell |
By Sam Roberts, New York Times 23 October 2016
Lee Bartky, an influential feminist philosopher who argued that women
were subconsciously submitting to men by accepting an unnatural cultural
standard for the ideal female body — what she called the “tyranny of
slenderness” — died on Oct. 17 at her home in Saugatuck, Mich. She was
Bartky, who taught philosophy and gender and women’s studies at the
University of Illinois at Chicago, contended that women suffered from
self-loathing, shame and guilt — internalized oppression, she called it —
fostered by cultural cues about their bodies that devalue them if they
do not meet the prescribed standard.
the diminishment of dieting and by being undemonstrative, she said,
women are encouraged “to take up as little space as possible.”
body by which a woman feels herself judged and which by rigorous
discipline she must try to assume is the body of early adolescence,
slight and unformed, a body lacking flesh or substance, a body in whose
very contours the image of immaturity has been inscribed,” Professor
Bartky wrote in an essay published in an anthology, “Feminism and
Foucault: Reflections on Resistance,” in 1988.
Natural or interactive kinds ? Les maladies mentales transitoires dans les cours de Ian Hacking au Collège de France (2000–2006) (2016)by Clare O'Farrell |
Delille, E. et Kirsch, M.
Natural or interactive kinds ? Les maladies mentales transitoires dans les cours de Ian Hacking au Collège de France (2000–2006)
(2016) Revue de Synthese, 137 (1-2), pp. 87-115.
Natural or interactive kinds ? Les maladies mentales transitoires dans les cours de Ian Hacking au Collège de France (2000–2006)
(2016) Revue de Synthese, 137 (1-2), pp. 87-115.
Les concepts de Ian Hacking ont apporté une contribution importante aux débats dans le domaine de la philosophie de la psychiatrie, qui est aussi au coeur de son Cours au Collège de France (2000-2006). Titulaire de la « Chaire de philosophie et d’histoire des concepts scientifiques » après Michel Foucault, il est l’auteur d’une réflexion sur la classification des troubles mentaux à partir de la problématique des natural kinds. Pour expliquer les cas d’études développés dans son enseignement parisien, nous revenons d’abord sur une série de concepts, pour ensuite poser la question du statut des métaphores scientifiques, et enfin discuter les rapports entre les notions de « maladie mentale transitoire » et de culture-bound syndrome – cette dernière étant issue de la psychiatrie transculturelle canadienne.
Les concepts de Ian Hacking ont apporté une contribution importante aux débats dans le domaine de la philosophie de la psychiatrie, qui est aussi au coeur de son Cours au Collège de France (2000-2006). Titulaire de la « Chaire de philosophie et d’histoire des concepts scientifiques » après Michel Foucault, il est l’auteur d’une réflexion sur la classification des troubles mentaux à partir de la problématique des natural kinds. Pour expliquer les cas d’études développés dans son enseignement parisien, nous revenons d’abord sur une série de concepts, pour ensuite poser la question du statut des métaphores scientifiques, et enfin discuter les rapports entre les notions de « maladie mentale transitoire » et de culture-bound syndrome – cette dernière étant issue de la psychiatrie transculturelle canadienne.
Ian Hacking histoire de la psychiatrie Collège de France culture-bound syndromeontologie historique
Ian Hacking histoire de la psychiatrie Collège de France culture-bound syndromeontologie historique
Emmanuel Delille,
né en 1974, est chercheur associé au Centre Marc Bloch (Berlin) et au
CAPHÉS (Paris), spécialiste d’histoire de la santé. Ses dernières
publications analysent la réforme de l’enseignement médical de 1968,
l’histoire de la psychiatrie culturelle et la problématique de la
normativité : « La psychose débutante comme catégorie productrice de
normes. Contribution à l’histoire des pratiques de santé,
France-Allemagne 1945-1989 », Bulletin Canadien d’Histoire de la
Médecine, 2016.
Marc Kirsch,
né en 1963, est rattaché à l’équipe AIDDA (UMA 1048, SAD-APT, INRA),
assistant du professeur Ian Hacking au Collège de France de 2001 à 2006
(chaire de Philosophie et histoire des concepts scientifiques). Il a
publié notamment « Sur la classification et sa signification en
psychiatrie », Psychiatrie française, vol. 43, 4/12, mai 2013.
Natural or interactive kinds? The transient mental disorders in Ian Hacking’s lectures at the Collège de France (2000–2006)
The concepts developed by Ian Hacking during his lectures at the Collège de France (2000-2006) have provided an important contribution to the debates within the field of philosophy of psychiatry. Professor at the Chair of Philosophy and History of Scientific Concepts after Michel Foucault, Hacking is the author of a reflection on the classification of mental disorders, which arises from the problem of the natural kinds. In order to explain the case studies developed in Hacking’s Paris lectures, we first go back to the definition of a series of concepts, then we discuss the status of his scientific metaphors. Finally we analyze the relationship between the notions, respectively, of “transient mental illness” and “culture-bound syndrome”. We emphasize that the latter derives from the Canadian transcultural psychiatry. © 2016, Springer-Verlag France.
The concepts developed by Ian Hacking during his lectures at the Collège de France (2000-2006) have provided an important contribution to the debates within the field of philosophy of psychiatry. Professor at the Chair of Philosophy and History of Scientific Concepts after Michel Foucault, Hacking is the author of a reflection on the classification of mental disorders, which arises from the problem of the natural kinds. In order to explain the case studies developed in Hacking’s Paris lectures, we first go back to the definition of a series of concepts, then we discuss the status of his scientific metaphors. Finally we analyze the relationship between the notions, respectively, of “transient mental illness” and “culture-bound syndrome”. We emphasize that the latter derives from the Canadian transcultural psychiatry. © 2016, Springer-Verlag France.
Author Keywords
Collège de France; culture-bound syndrome; History of Psychiatry; Ian Hacking; ontological history
Collège de France; culture-bound syndrome; History of Psychiatry; Ian Hacking; ontological history
Des actes de langage à l’inventaire des énoncés (2016)by Clare O'Farrell |
Jocelyn Benoist, Des actes de langage à l’inventaire des énoncés, Archives de Philosophie 2016/1 (Tome 79)
L’article essaie de comprendre la notion d'« énoncé » telle que Foucault l’emploie dans L’Archéologie du Savoir. Il situe la perspective de Foucault dans le contexte du débat philosophique et linguistique sur le langage après la seconde guerre mondiale. Il la compare avec la philosophie du langage ordinaire, en se concentrant sur la notion d’acte de langage. Dans les deux genres d’analyse on trouve un intérêt similaire pour les performances linguistiques effectives. Cependant, la notion d’acte de langage, en elle-même, demeure trop abstraite à l’aune de l'analyse foucaldienne, et le philosophe français s’ntéresse plus à ce qu’on pourrait appeler les matériaux disponibles pour la performance en un temps donné qu’à la performance prise isolément. L’article essaie de mieux comprendre les ressorts de la ré-historicisation du langage à l’œuvre dans l’analyse de Foucault.
L’article essaie de comprendre la notion d'« énoncé » telle que Foucault l’emploie dans L’Archéologie du Savoir. Il situe la perspective de Foucault dans le contexte du débat philosophique et linguistique sur le langage après la seconde guerre mondiale. Il la compare avec la philosophie du langage ordinaire, en se concentrant sur la notion d’acte de langage. Dans les deux genres d’analyse on trouve un intérêt similaire pour les performances linguistiques effectives. Cependant, la notion d’acte de langage, en elle-même, demeure trop abstraite à l’aune de l'analyse foucaldienne, et le philosophe français s’ntéresse plus à ce qu’on pourrait appeler les matériaux disponibles pour la performance en un temps donné qu’à la performance prise isolément. L’article essaie de mieux comprendre les ressorts de la ré-historicisation du langage à l’œuvre dans l’analyse de Foucault.
Mots clés
Foucault Austin Langage Acte de langage Énoncé Discours
Foucault Austin Langage Acte de langage Énoncé Discours
The paper tries to make sense of the notion of a ‘statement’ such as Foucault uses it in his Archeology of Knowledge. It situates Foucault’s perspective within the context of the philosophical and linguistic debate on language after the Second World War. It draws a comparison with ordinary language philosophy, by focusing on the notion of speech act. In both kinds of analysis one finds a similar interest in the actual linguistic performances. However, the notion of a speech act remains as such too abstract by the standard of Foucault’s analysis and, on the other hand, the French philosopher is more interested in what could be called the materials available for a performance at a given time than in the performance taken in isolation. The paper tries to better understand the principles of the re-historicization of language in Foucault’s analysis.
The paper tries to make sense of the notion of a ‘statement’ such as Foucault uses it in his Archeology of Knowledge. It situates Foucault’s perspective within the context of the philosophical and linguistic debate on language after the Second World War. It draws a comparison with ordinary language philosophy, by focusing on the notion of speech act. In both kinds of analysis one finds a similar interest in the actual linguistic performances. However, the notion of a speech act remains as such too abstract by the standard of Foucault’s analysis and, on the other hand, the French philosopher is more interested in what could be called the materials available for a performance at a given time than in the performance taken in isolation. The paper tries to better understand the principles of the re-historicization of language in Foucault’s analysis.
Mots-clés (en)
Foucault Austin Language Speech Act Statement Discourse
Foucault Austin Language Speech Act Statement Discourse
Foucault News
Activity relating to the work of French thinker Michel Foucault (1926-1984)
Social justice leadership and inclusion: a genealogy (2016)
31 October 2016 by Clare O'Farrell
Social justice leadership and inclusion: a genealogy
(2016) Journal of Educational Administration and History, 48 (4), pp. 324-341.
DOI: 10.1080/00220620.2016.1210589
The purpose of this article is to engage in an historical analysis of research about two concepts: social justice leadership and leadership for inclusion. Recent experiences have caused me to wonder about our interpretations of justice, equity, and inclusion. Analysis of the relevant literature revealed a lack of consensus among scholars as to a clear, operational definition of both social justice leadership and inclusion. I use a Foucauldian genealogical method to examine texts and uncover the historical development of social justice leadership and leadership for inclusion in the United States. Uncovering past meanings and contexts should help illuminate current meanings and uses of these concepts. It is recommended that leaders engage in critical reflection to uncover the common sense language of equity-oriented leadership practices and that researchers take a more critical, historical, open stance of social justice leadership, and inclusion. © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
Author Keywords
Educational leadership; Foucault; genealogy; inclusion; inclusive leadership; social justice
Michel Foucault and the history of economic thought (2015)by Clare O'Farrell |
Nicolas Vallois, « Michel Foucault and the history of economic thought », Œconomia, 5-4 | 2015, 461-490.
Nicolas Vallois, « Michel Foucault and the history of economic thought », Œconomia [En ligne], 5-4 | 2015, mis en ligne le 01 décembre 2015, consulté le 07 septembre 2016. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/oeconomia.2181
Full text available
Foucault dedicated a significant part of his works to the study of
political economy. In the late 1980s, these analyses attracted the
interest of historians of economic thought (Amariglio, 1988, 1900;
Birken, 1990). The primary purpose of this article is to provide a
review survey of Foucault’s reception among historians of economic
thought. Reading and interpreting Foucault is not straightforward. In
reflecting on his work, Foucault refused to consider himself an “author”
who could be characterized by a single, consistent framework. However,
he elaborated a coherent historiographical method which we characterize
as politically engaged journalism. The principles of that method allow
us to identify two common confusions in interpretations of Foucault’s
work. First, advocates of Foucault in the history of economic thought
literature consider him a “heterodox economist” who would be opposed to
“mainstream economics”. However, Foucault did not intend to criticize
economic theories in this particular sense. The second source of
confusion involves interpreting Foucault as a sociologist interested in
the analysis of power, or a social historian, although he rejected
context-based historiographical approaches. We would suggest that
Foucault she be considered more a “postmodernist philosopher” than a
historian of economic thought per se. In this respect, the association
of “Foucauldian theory” with postmodernism is a major distortion in his
reception by historians of economic thought.